Saturday, March 31, 2012

Glacier in Iceland

This is a glacier in southern Iceland we came to. The solar glare was so strong that unfortunately the photos washed out. But the pictures are still there. 
The glacier is covered in ash and rocks. The black debris is a contrasting the ice nicely.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Long Way around the Fjord in Isafjördur

In summer of 2008 we came to Isafjördur in the Icelandic Westfjords for the first time. We were lingering in the airport after landing and were checking on our bags, reconsolidating the backpacks and adjusting to differnet - nice - weather. To sum it up: It took us a bit to get out of the building. 

We were looking around for the bus stop. Well, there was no bus line. There is a fly bus service that is fabulous and always there. It is, right after the flight gets there. We missed it. So we walked all the way to the town. Mean thing: The town is right across the water, as you have seen in a bunch of my other Isafjördur postings. But there is a fjord inbetween. We were conscious of the distance. But it was managable.

On all following trips to Isafjördur we made sure to catch the bus and were always fine with it.

For a photo from midair (taken from a plane) take a look here:
The airport is on the right, the town on the left. The penisula is the harbour area.

me hiking around the fjord

Thursday, March 29, 2012

straight line diagonal

This diagonal line of poles ist really straight, isn't it? It took me a while to find the perfect line up but I really wanted to make it happen.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A North Sea Wreck

Ship wreck on the eastern tip of Norderney, Germany. HDR of 3 exposures. More pictures of Norderney you find under the side bar tag: "north sea".

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Isafjördur - local museum 5

Yes, there is more from the local history museum in Ísafjördur, Iceland.

Fishing is the main industry in the Westfjords, but there is more.

Guillemot eggs - They are being collected for consumption. People climb into the cliffs in the fjords to collect a small number of eggs from the nests. The birds instantly replace these eggs so the populations are not endangered.

Lummen Eier - Diese Eier werden für den Verzehr gesammelt. Menschen klettern in den Fjorden hoch in die Klippen hinein und nehmen eine kleine Zahl Eier aus manchen der Nester. Die Vögel ersetzen die Eier sofort wieder, sodass die Population nicht dezimiert wird.

Seal skin trunk and seal skin hanging on the wall. This is a historic exhibit. These items are not made anymore.

Seehundsfell-Koffer und Seehundsfell an der Wand. Diese Ausstellungsstücke sind historisch. Solche Gegenstände werden nicht mehr angefertigt.

O. Mustad & Sön - fishhook-manufacturers - Estabilshed 1832 - Oslo - Norway

This display of hooks looks just so nice and normal.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Icelandic Horses on the road

This long treck of horses was floating along down the road with us as we drove along the southern coast of Iceland on our way back to Reykjavík. I did grab a few pictures of them here and there.

To the right you see the omni-present cliff bands that edge the south coast area for a long stretch. To the left - that you can not see - there is mostly flat and slightly sloping land leading off to the ocean.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ice in the evening sun

Last summer we traveled along the Icelandic southern coast and spent some time at Jökulsárlón. The first evening we got there, we had this beautiful falling light that made the ice shine.

Here is a photo of a few pieces of ice floating down the little stretch of river that leads form the Lagoon to the Atlantic.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Beach and Tracks

Norderney, Germany, HDR of 3 exposures, joined in Photomatix, changed with PS CS 5 - for a change...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Isafjördur - local museum 4

There of course are even more photos of the local museum of Ísafjördur, Westfjords, Iceland. Here is another collection.

Natürlich habe ich noch viel mehr Bilder aus dem Lokalmuseum Ísafjördur, Westfjorde, Island. Hier ist noch eine Sammlung.

Painting stencil for fish barrels. The fishermen used tar to lable the pickled hering barrels as you can see in the next photo.

Schreibschablone für Fischfässer. Die Fischer benutzten diese Schablonen, um die Fässer eingelegten Herings zu beschriften, wie man auf dem nächsten Foto sieht.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sweden at night

Sunset near Malmö, July 2010

In the background you see the Malmö Copenhagen Bridge over Öresund. 

Two more people pose for me as "live stock" in the picture. OK, to be honest: They were taking sunset pictures as well.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Fog and Lights

Coming home late from a trip by train, we ended up in a very home town. Hamm's new library and educational building was being illuminated by colored lights and the fog was diffusing them.

The elephant in the front looks random but Hamm has these fiber glass elephants as a signature feature all over town with people's art or advertising on them. I liked the colors of this one in the fog.

That lonely person with the suit case was a living bonus to the photo.

Auf der Rückfahrt von einer Reise kamen wir an einem nebligen Abend spät in Hamm an. Die neue Stadtbibliothek und Fachhochschule wird farbig angestrahlt und der Nebel hat daraus eine diffuse Lichtstimmung gemacht.

Der Elefant im Vordergrund ist keine Fatamorgana. Hamm hat den Fieberglas-Elefanten als Kunst und Werbeobjekte überall in der Stadt eingeführt.

Der einsame Mensch mit Koffer war eine lebende Zutat zum Bild.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Alpine Church

HDR of 3 exposures of a church in Fulpmes, Austria. Composed in Dynamic Photo HDR.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Birds are in the air

This flock of birds was fluttering alongside the path we were hiking on. Norderney, North Sea, Germany.

Dieser Vogelschwarm folgte dem Weg auf dem wir gewandert sind. Norderney, Nordsee, Deutschland.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fisheye Abbey

The photo was taken in Uetrecht, Netherlands, in 2009 in some church with a fisheye attachment for our bridge camera. The lack of original quality inspired this view of the photo. I really don't want to say that this is pretty or photographic presentation. The graininess and contortion is pittyfull, really. But the atmosphere by this background is amazing nonetheless.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Myvatn at night

The Myvatn lake at night - this photo was taken around midnight. Since it was not long after midsummer night, the light never fully faded and after the sun was behind the horizon the light was not "sunset-colored" anymore, which was surprising to me.

Myvatn bei Nacht - das Photo entstand etwa um Mitternacht. Weil es nur wenige Tage nach Mittsommernacht war, verschwand das Licht nie völlig und eine Weile, nachdem die Sonne hinter dem Horizont verschwunden war, hatte das Licht auch keine "Sonnenuntergangsfarbe" mehr, was mich überraschte.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Isafjördur - local museum 3

In 2 previous posts in the last few days I have shown some of the local museum of Ísafjördur, Iceland, Westfjords. Here is some more - including one of my favorites, the radio communication room on the top floor.

In 2 vorhergehenden Posts aus den letzten Tagen habe ich schon einiges vom Lokalmuseum in Ísafjördur, Westfjorde in Island, gezeigt. Hier ist noch etwas mehr - inklusive eines meiner Lieblingsbilder, den Funkerraum im Obergeschoss.


Monday, March 12, 2012

Cat in the tree

Well, a rather big cat... Alpenzoo, January of 2012, Innsbruck, Austria.

... eine recht große Katze im Baum... Alpenzoo, Januar 2012, Innsbruck, Österreich.