Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's on Times Square

These photos are one year old to the day. I took these around Times Square on the morning of New Year's Day when we spent some time in NYC.

The NYPD was getting ready for the big party and for an incredible amount of people out in the streets.

I just wanted to share these photos with you in preparation of New Year's.


Sunday, December 30, 2012

The flying boy

This shot was taken last summer in a playground. It wasn't all that easy to get the pose and the light right at the same time. In the end I had to fire a fill flash to partially overpower the ambient light.

For a boy flying to high up in the air, that was a pretty cool thing to see, he said, when he got flashed for fast flying.

I like the angles I pushed the red staging into. Nicely twisted by my 10mm wide angle (relative to 16mm on full format).

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

I want to wish everybody a merry christmas and happy holidays!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Where the Fish comes from

Here is another photo of the feeding action of the arctic terns. We were going for a hike in the fields on Vatnsnes, Northern Iceland. There was a path through the bird colonies that was recommended for hiking. But who told the birds? The little ones as well as the adults were all over the path and made it hard to get by. The shots we mastered during this hike were well worth it.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Lighthouse

This lighthouse in Iceland's Eastfjords is so nicely colorful. The old lighthouse right next to is, is just left as a ruin and must serve as a view point for someone. The ladder has seen better days as well, though.

This photo I liked so much that I made it the cover photo of one of my calendars that I am offering for sale since this week. If you want to know more about this calendar and my others, check the page up top saying products/calendars. I will keep you posted there!


Friday, December 21, 2012


Ich habe meine Gewinnerziehung zur Verlosung auf Facebook eingestellt. Guckt mal rein!

Trans Pond

Die Gewinnerin ist:

La Reine 

Du hast eine Email mit dem Code gestern abend bekommen. 

Icelandic Follies

Iceland horses are cute. Icelandic follies are even cuter. I know baby animals are always really cute. But this little guy here, barely old enough to stay alone for a moment or two in the field, was relaxedly looking out while I took his portrait.

Vatnsnes, Iceland.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Streets of Berlin

These are photos from Berlin, November 2012, showing typical sights in all the areas where tourists can be found. The first one is from Museumsinsel the second from Hackescher Markt.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Do you remember occupy?

These photos I took on the edge of Wall Street in December 2011.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Hello, I need to post this in German only, because this is a game for people within the country. Sorry, everybody!

Alle arbeiten an ihren Advents-Blogs. Ich poste ohnehin das ganze Jahr jeden Tag. Da fand ich, einen Adventskalender sinnlos.

Aber ich habe beschlossen, ich möchte Euch zu Weihnachten ja auch etwas schenken:

Ich verlose einen 25%-Rabattcode für einen meiner Kalender - Ihr habt die freie Wahl. Das hier sind die Optionen:

Und es kommt sogar noch besser: Der Rabattgutschein gilt für und da könnt Ihr, neben meinen Kalendern, noch ganz viele andere Kalender kaufen. Mit dem Gutschein gibt es einmal 25 % beim Einkauf und gilt bis zum 31.12.2012.

Was müsst Ihr tun?

Schreibt mir unter diesen Post, dass Ihr teilnehmen wollt. Mehr nicht.

Am 21.12., 20 Uhr MEZ ist Schluss. Danach gebe ich am Abend des 21. den Gewinner bekannt.

Wer sicher sein will, möglichst schnell den Code zu bekommen, schreibt mir eine Mail mit seiner Email-Adresse an transpond@, natürlich ohne Leerzeichen in der Adresse. Schreibt dann bitte rein, welcher Kommentar von Euch ist, weil ich dann zuordnen kann.

Ich freue mich, wenn Ihr dieses Gewinnspiel verbreitet, auch wenn es nur ein kleines ist.

Damit Ihr immer auf dem Laufenden bleibt, was bei mir grad passiert, oder wenn es mal wieder ein Spiel gibt, könnt Ihr meine Facebook-Seite liken

Ich freue mich natürlich sowieso, wenn Ihr das tut.

Ich wünsche Euch allen eine frohe Weihnachtszeit und einen guten Rutsch. Natürlich gibt es in 2013 von mir weiterhin viele frische Postings und Photos. Wenn Ihr Wünsche habt, über welche Themen ich schreiben soll, lasst es mich wissen. Das wäre doch ein guter Grund für ein Posting hier.

The view of the bay

New York City seen from the Brooklyn Bridge on New Year's Eve.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Marilyn with her head in the clouds

While in NYC I shot a series of photos that fell under the category of reflection. This is an art installation about Marilyn Monroe that was nicely complemented by the reflection of the blue sky in the section of her head.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Wide land under impressive sky

This is yet another picture of the wide and incredibly green landscape of Iceland.

The picture was taken from the edge of Grábrók, a volcanic ash crater in the north west of Iceland.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Calendars for sale!

Some of you will have seen it already: I am now offering calendars for sale. 

I am starting with 3 calendars by the topic of Iceland. Iceland - inspiring landscape, Icelandic Horses and Islands Küsten (Icelandic coastline, just available in German text). More topics will follow.


All calendars are available in 3 sizes: DinA4, A3, A2. The fastest option to order seems to be trough

But with the ISBN-Numbers you can order in any place that sells books, online or offline.
I would love to hear that some of you will buy a calendar and put it on your wall or give it as a christmas gift.
It would be wonderful if you could share this post. Christmas is close! 

Einige von Euch haben es schon gelesen. Ich biete jetzt Kalender zum Verkauf an. Den Anfang mache ich mit 3 Kalendern mit Island-Motiven. Island - inspirierende Landschaft, Islandpferde und Islands Küsten. Mehr Themen werden folgen.


Alle sind in den Größen DinA4, A3 und A2 zu haben. Die schnellste Bestellung funktioniert über Kalenderhaus:

Bestellen könnt Ihr mit den ISBN-Nummern aber überall, wo es Bücher gibt. Auch in Eurer lokalen Buchhandlung.

Ich freue mich, wenn der ein oder andere von Euch zugreift oder mich weiterempfielt, meine Kalender aufhängt oder verschenkt.

Es wäre lieb, wenn Ihr diesen Post teilen könntet. Weihnachten ist nah!

Fire Fish

I have a habit of taking photos of fire fish when I get to aquariums. This is a pretty challenging target since they are usually very bright infront of dark backgrounds. They also only look good when they are in the light of the tank and when they flare up a bit.

Lissabon, Oceanario

Friday, December 14, 2012


Yield to Indian Chiefs! Now isn't that thoughtfull?
Seen in NYC just south of Central Park, December 2011

Vorfahrt Achten für Indianerhäuptlinge. Ist das nicht fürsorglich?

Gesehen in NYC südlich des Central Park, Dezember 2011.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


In Lissabon we went to see the Oceanario, the gigantic aquarium out east from the city. Here are some photos of the big tank that is such an integral part of this exhibit.

A shark patroling the tank.

2 dog fish an a shark

Sun fish

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A cup of Coffee

This cup of coffee I found in NYC, freshly brewed, of course, and placed ontop of a building in Manhattan.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rossio at night

The well known square in Lissabon, Rossio, at night. April 2012.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Have a coffee in NYC

This café cought my attention. I was somewhat unsure if the reflections in the window panel would destroy the photo or help it. But I am glad I took the photo. Look at all the layers of life that came together in this one reflection.

NYC, December 2011

Dieses Café zog meine Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Ich war mir bei der Aufnahme nicht ganz sicher, ob die Reflektionen dem Bild nützen oder es zerstören, aber ich bin froh, dass ich die Aufnahme gemacht habe. Seht Euch all die Schichten an, in denen das Leben hier auf einer Ebene zusammenkommt.

NYC, Dezember 2011

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Airport

This is an image from the inside of the terminal of the airport of Cologne.

Sun on the Rocks

Off of the coast of Vatnsnes, Northern Iceland. This rock ledge is looking very different from the different angles we looked at it.

Friday, December 7, 2012

the swinging scale

This was a series of photos I took during my contest shootings again. My contest topic was motion blur and I finally ended up handing in the shoe lace photo. But here is what I tried before this: