Thursday, October 31, 2013

What a meal

This seagull swooped down infront of us and was munching down a fish. When looking closer I saw that it was a hering filet. A double one with the tailends still attached. Later we met the fisherman that he stole the half prepared fish from.

This posting, by the way, is my blogpost number 1000. I think that is something so celebrate!

Von unserem Fischerhaus in Moskenes aus haben wir diese Szene beobachtet.

Eine Möwe flog an und trug einen Hering im Schnabel. Der war allerdings schon filetiert. Nur noch am Schwanz hingen die Filets zusammen. Später haben wir den Fischer am Nachbarhaus getroffen, dem die Möwe den Fisch wohl von der Arbeit geklaut hat.

Die Möwe hatte ihre liebe Mühe den Fisch herunterzuwürgen.

Dieser Post ist übrigens mein 1000ster Blogpost. Ich glaube, das ist ein Grund zu feiern!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

a line of boats

This one I needed to present in black and white. This line of row boats was in a sound at Å i Lofoten.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wedge between the rocks

We happened upon this rock at the southern tip of the Lofoten near Å i Lofoten.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Stock Fish Museum

In Å i Lofoten we visited the dried fish museum. Some impressions for you?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sunset on the beach

The title made you see an image in your head, right? But this one is different. 

This is a section of the beach in Unstad, Lofoten, in Northern Norway. This is the most golden sunset you could imagine.

Friday, October 25, 2013

The last blooming

The sun flower blooms are coming to an end. But here is a beauty from recently.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Skies

Here is an image from near my house a few weeks ago. Bright colors of the early fall.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Warm Colors

The mushrooms in the woods are out. This tree mushroom is really old already, but I liked the image.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Fall is Golden

We are having the nicest possible late October. Warm, sunny, beautiful foliage. This is fall out of the book.

Wir haben phantastisches Herbstwetter. Warme Temperaturen, Sonnenschein, buntes Laub... so kann es gern noch weitergehen.

Dieser und andere Wälder sind in einen Kalender gewandert. Hier könnt Ihr den ansehen. Und natürlich bestellen.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Squirrel time

Fall is coming and the squirrels are about to rejoin the feeder. Here is a cute munching picture for you to start this out.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Noch mehr Kalender

Ich war in letzter Zeit fleißig und habe noch ein paar Projekte bei Clavendo eingereicht.

Ich kann berichten, dass heute der Polar-Fuchs-Kalender freigegeben wurde. In zwei oder drei Tagen könnt Ihr den also bestellen. Wer schon immer von meinen Fuchs-Bildern geschwärmt hat, kann sich jetzt 12 Bilder in einem abwechslungsreichen Kalender gönnen.

Diese 12 Bilder: Katalogseite

Die anderen Kalender findet Ihr hier:

Friday, October 18, 2013

Dried Fish

Scandinavia is famous for dried fish. I love taking photos of them due to the structures and textures.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ice Sculpture

This iceberg was thrown ashore at the coast of Iceland at Jökulsárlón.

When I looked at the iceberg, I kept seeing shapes in it, depending on the angle.

What do you see in this piece of ice?

Dieser Eisberg wurde von der Brandung an den Strand an der Küste Islands geworfen. Er stammt aus der Jökulsárlón.

Als ich diesen Eisberg ansah, habe ich Figuren darin gesehen, verschiedene, je nach Winkel.

Was seht Ihr in diesem Stück Eis?


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Retro Shooting

Lately friends were visting me and we headed out to a historic train station for a retro style photo shooting. We had lots of fun despite the vansishing light and kept shooting different scenarios.

Here Feli was bravely jumping for me, over and over untill we got an image that we both liked. In editing I needed to give it a retro style touch for good measure, since it looks so fun and the look fits the outfit as well as the old train station in Lippborg.

Feli is a photographer and you find her work here: 


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

As clouds slide down

This photo shows one of the sights we have seen frequently in coastal Scandianvia: Clouds dense as fog creeping over the mountain tops and getting caught in the tops.

Lofoten, August 2013.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Feeder Season

A friend and fellow photographer visiting us lately let me try out her Canon 100-400mm lense. I thought I would test it on our little friends in the garden, since it is feeder season now. The lense performs great and now I will need to save up and buy it. I knew I wanted it but that wish got stronger when trying it.

Here are two of the black chickadee photos I took last Sunday. Seeing that feederblock today is quite different: Just pieces left!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A morning in fall

Fall brings more color that summer, I am sure of it. More interesting and fun colors, at least.

While summer has blosoms and blue skies, fall brings fruits and harvest as well as foliage and warm tones.

It also, though, brings fog around. This is what the neighborhood looked like last week in the morning. I forgot all about breakfast and dashed out with my camera. I think, I chose wisely.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

A beach in the North

When we drove out to Henningsvær on Lofoten, we passed this beautiful beach and walked on it for a while. The color of the water was just so amazing again.

By the time we came back, there was no beach left. High tide took it all.

Friday, October 11, 2013

What an amazing sunset

In a campground near Kleppstad on Lofoten we got to experience a really amazing sunset. Take a look.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Colors of the Glasmakers

The glassmaker in Henningsvaer was kind enough to allow photography - no video, though.
Unfortunately we got there when no one was making glass, but I found my spot of special colors. Does anyone know why the boxes are labled in German? I only noticed after the fact.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


This kind of dried fish is produced by selecting the biggest fish of the catch and salting them heavily. They then get dried ontop of the cliffs, hence the name.

To make them into food, you soak this fish in water, changing the water a few times. Then you prepare it simmilar to fresh fish. It is mostly used in fish soups.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Most summery Skies

These 3 images are taken in Henningsvaer on Lofoten. The skies were just amazing and just need to be shown. To me, they just scream: Awesome summer day!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Seagull Photobomb

We took the chance on the boat ride to Trollfjord to photograph the eagle that got attracted to the boat.
While shooting there constantly were seagulls getting close and on several images I later found seagull photobombs.

Oh well, it just is the way it is. Got the eagle sharp, though.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Neue Kalender

Letztes Jahr habe ich Kalender veröffentlicht und freue mich, dass die bei Euch gut ankommen und eine recht große Zahl verkauft wurde.

Ich habe für 2014 neuen Anlauf genommen und weitere Kalender und ein Flip-Art (ein Posterbuch ohne Kalendarium, gebunden mit einer Spiralbindung wie ein Kalender) für Euch gemacht.

Insgesamt sind es jetzt schon 13 Projekte, die ich anbiete.

Wenn Ihr daran Interesse habt, dann schaut Euch die Kalender doch mal an - Kalender sind doch immer ein schönes Geschenk und Weihnachten ist nah!

Ihr findet alle Kalenderprojekte dauerhaft verlinkt unter dem Reiter "Calendars" oben in der Kopfleiste. Hier sind sie aber alle auch direkt:

Island - inspirierende Landschaft (Deutsche Version)

Überblick über den Kalender und ISBN hier:


Iceland - inspiring landscape (USA-Version)

Überblick über den Kalender und ISBN hier:

Islands Küsten (Deutsche Version)

Überblick über den Kalender und ISBN hier:

Islandpferde (Deutsche Version)

Überblick über den Kalender und ISBN hier:


Iceland Horses (USA-Version)

Überblick über den Kalender und ISBN hier:



Überblick über den Kalender und ISBN hier:

Portugals Charakter

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Überblick über den Kalender und ISBN hier:


Lofoten - Norwegens magische Inseln

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Überblick über den Kalender und ISBN hier:



Überblick über den Kalender und ISBN hier:



Überblick über das Flipart (Posterbuch) und ISBN hier:


On the ride to Trollfjord

Of course we did not resist the boat trips to Trollfjord on Lofoten. Look at the great views we got. It was worth waiting for better weather for a whole day.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Boats in the Bay

I just liked the way these boats were tied to the cliffs near Kabevag, Lofoten.

Ich mag die Art, wie die Boote in der Bucht bei Kabelvag auf den Lofoten vertäut sind.


Friday, October 4, 2013

Forrest View 2

Here is another one of the forrest behind our house. Same day as the one from before, just a different stretch of the woods.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

In the wake of our boat

Lofoten, Northern Norway

Boat ride from Svolvaer to Trollfjord, August 2013.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Forrest View 1

I lately went out to capture the essence of the forrests around our house.

This is the first of those picutres. More will follow.