On several trips to Iceland we went to the Blue Lagoon near Keflavík. Here are a few impressions and the big recommendation to try it out!
Unbelieveable that we saw snow falling just minutes before these pictures!
Bei unseren Islandreisen waren wir schon mehrfach in der Blauen Lagune bei Kevlavík. Hier sind ein paar Bilder und die Empfehlung, den Besuch fest mit einzuplanen.
Unglaublich, dass wir noch Minuten vor diesen Aufnahmen Schneefall hatten!
The lagoon is fed by the wast waters of a power plant. But since this power plant is operating on sea water that is heated by geothermal forces, there is no pollution in the water.
Die Lagune wird mit dem Abwasser eines Kraftwerks gespeist. Da es sich aber um ein Kraftwerk handelt, dass allein mit geothermal aufgeheiztem Meerwasser arbeitet, ist es natürlich völlig unverschmutztes Wasser.
The sediments that get carried along with the water and that make it hazy blue have prove to be healthy, not just pretty.
Die Sedimente, die mit dem Wasser in die Lagune geschwemmt werden und die die Farbe geben, sind außerdem gesund, nicht nur hübsch anzusehen.
The funniest part about the lagoon are the white faced people in the water. Concentrate of the sediment is provided in buckets near the back of the lagoon for people to spread on their skin. You let it dry on and wash it off in the lagoon. It is a face mask that makes your skin all smooth.
Das lustigste an der Lagune sind die weißgesichtigen Menschen im wasser. Konzentrierte Sedimente werden hinten in der Lagune in Eimern bereitgestellt, damit man sie sich die Masse ins Gesicht schmiert. Es ist eine Gesichtsmaske, die man trocknen läßt und dann wieder im Wasser der Lagune abwäscht. Die Haut fühlt sich gut an.
Just never spread it in your hair. It will not feel good for a longer time. After the bath I recommend using as much as possible of the hair conditioner that is provided in the showers and maybe a hair cure soon after your stay. Believe me. I have tried the other way.
Man sollte sich das Zeug nur niemals in die Haare schmieren. Die fühlen sich danach für längere Zeit nicht mehr so an, wie vorher. Nach dem Schwimmen empfehle ich ohnehin, soviel wie möglich von der Haarspülung zu benutzen, die in den Duschen vorhanden ist. Und vielleicht eine Haarkur bald danach. Glaubt mir. Ich habe den anderen Weg versucht.
This is the vast lava landscape that the lagoon is situated in.
Und so sieht die Lavawüste um die Lagune herum aus.
My first attempt at comments and questions was lost. So to the best of my recollection here it is again! I know nothing of this type of spa so I find it quite beautiful yet somewhat scary. If it is geothermal and includes waste water from a power plant, how can anything beneficial and healthful come from waste water? What type of power plant is this? What type of waste is this? What is this sediment? I assume that it is very cold because of your mention of snow. Is this the reason why there are so few people in the water? What makes this a really great spa? Feel free to send me a link if you have one. I find this whole concept of bathing in healthy wastewater strange yet intriguing!
ReplyDeleteThe water is actually hot to lush and really nice and balmy on your skin.
The "wast water thing" is funny: They pipe the super hot water up from deep in the sea where there is a geothermal spot. The sediment is in that water already. It is natural. The specific content I do not know, though. It is really good for your skin, that is why this is a spa.
There are so few people in there because it is a weekday in spring and there are not that many tourist there. It was cold outside the water and we did not enjoy the frosty windchil. The lagoon is awesome, though.
Sorry, I didn't see your comment earlier so I let you wait on an answer.